Posted by jerry gitomer on 06/16/05 18:53
Ray wrote:
> Hi
> I need to access an access db via php.
> My hosting provider is using php version 4.3.10 on a windows 2003 platform.
> I think that php was installed with the Plesk for windows package/control
> panel.
> The scripts work on my dev box (winxp with iis5) but yet when I upload the
> scripts to my hosting provider I get the following error
> *Fatal error*: Call to a member function on a non-object in
> *C:\xxx\xxx\xxxx\httpdocs\test.php* on line *12*
> This error comes up when I call the database connection. I tried 2 different
> connection strings including setting up and using an obdc connection both a
> user and a system dsn connection but with no luck...
> I am using standard php functions to connect...
> Sample::
> $db = realpath("./data/mydatabase.mdb");
> $conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
> $rs = new COM("ADODB.Recordset");
> $dsn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" .$db.";User
> Id=ddd;Password=xxx;" ;
> //$dsn = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" .$db;
> //$dsn="DSN = Prop"; $conn->Open($dsn);
> $rs = $conn->Execute("select * from mytable");
> The 3 different connection strings are defined under the $dsn variable...
> Has anyone else had a similar problem to this or got a solution..
> It almost sounds like php can't call on a com object...
> My hosting provider can't seem to find a solution...
> Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...
> Thanks
> Ray
Assuming your hosting provider supports a DBMS other than Access
I suggest that you look into switching instead of fighting.
Access is an excellent product -- but not on a server! Since,
based on your example, you are familiar with SQL you would be
better off using a server product such as MS Sql Server or MySQL.
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