Posted by Moot on 10/17/06 19:06
Bob Bedford wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having troubles with my hosting and for a few reasons I can't change.
> So here is my problem: I receive XML files with images included in the file.
> I've to parse the file, save datas in a database and save images after
> resizing them. The whole process takes sometimes more than 10 seconds (the
> limit of the scripts) so I've errors.
> It's there any way to have an other process that do the image processing
> (like an automatic "post" wich send the images) ? How ? Exec isnt' allowed
> on the server.
> Please help....
> Bob
Do you have access to CRON? If so, you could parse the xml upon
retrieval and store the paths to the images to be redimensioned in a
table queue. You could then have a cron script run once a minute or
(as often as necessary) to try and clear out the queue.
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