Posted by NoWhereMan on 10/21/06 13:55
this is NoWhereMan from FlatPress project.
it's been a long since I've started working on a project which would have
allowed me to replace my SimplePHPBlog with a new, more flexible platform,
but still using the same flat-file based storage system.
my goal was programming something
- flexible to expand by the mean of plugins
- easy to theme
- standard compliant
the answers were borrowing the plugin system from wordpress (just the
interface, only a few hooks have been already implemented), and using smarty
as a template/theming engine
Now we are about to release our first stable release.
I know the code is still messy, but this is my first big-sized project...
sometimes it may look like a Frankenstein of OO and non-OO code... anyway,
I'm quite satisfied, and, if you wish, I would be glad if you gave it a look
and say whatever you think.
Any critic is appreciated as long as it's constructive :)
forums: http://spbitalia.altervista.org/forum/index.php?cid=4 (jhosted in
Italy, but we talk English as well ;) )
thanks for you attention,
-- NoWhereBlog: www.nowhereland.it
-- FlatPress: http://flatpress.nowhereland.it blog flat-file powered,
xhtml1.1strict compliant
-- deviantArt: http://nowhereland.deviantart.com
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