Posted by James54321 on 10/23/06 17:05
Ok I have modified it like you said but i still have the same problem
NONE of the code is executed (even the echo("something is said here");)
doesnt work so i dont think the function is being called corectly
....but I have no idea why ...if you do please tell me.
Below is my revised code:
echo("<body bgcolor=\"lightblue\">");
// open connection
$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to
// select database
mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");
function displayIdeas()
//funciton opened
// create query
$query = "SELECT ID,Idea_Name,Category,Idea,Time,Date,User,IP_Address
FROM ideas WHERE Approved = 0 AND Category != 'ADMIN' Order by 'id'
//replace sites with your table name
//replace address and description with the filed name
// execute query
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query.
echo("<form method=\"post\">");
print "\n<table border=\"1\">\n<tr>\n" .
"\n\t<th>Approve</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Delete</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Ban</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Idea ID</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Idea Name</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Category</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Idea</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Time Submitted</th>" .
"\n\t<th>Date Submitted</th>" .
"\n\t<th>User</th>" .
"\n\t<th>IP Address</th>" .
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
list($ID,$Idea_Name,$Category,$Idea,$Time,$Date,$User,$IP_Address) =
if ($rowcounter == '1') {
print "\n<tr bgcolor=\"yellow\">";
$rowcounter = '2';
} else {
print "\n<tr bgcolor=\"lightblue\">";
$rowcounter = '1';
print "\n\t<td><center><input type=\"radio\" name=\"id[$ID]\"
value=\"Approve\" /></center></td>";
print "\n\t<td><center><input type=\"radio\" name=\"id[$ID]\"
value=\"Delete\" /></center></td>";
print "\n\t<td><center><input type=\"radio\" name=\"id[$ID]\"
value=\"Ban\" /></center></td>";
foreach($row as $data)
print "\n\t<td> {$data} </td>";
print "\n</tr>";
print "\n</table>\n";
echo("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\"
//function closed
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
//this is where the code i need should go :)
foreach ($_POST['id'] as $key => $value) {
switch ($value) {
case "Approve":
case "Delete":
case "Ban":
echo"hi key = $key and value = $value";
//Well, that `submission_delete_or_whatever_it_was` is a function that
deletes (or something else) the submission of the id $key.
//close connection
function submission_approve($key)
// create query
$query = "UPDATE ideas SET Approved = 1 WHERE ID = $key";
//replace sites with your table name
//replace address and description with the filed name
// execute query
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query.
// print message with ID of inserted record
echo ("Idea $id has been approved!<BR>");
function submission_delete($key)
// create query
$query = "DELETE FROM ideas WHERE ID = $key";
//replace sites with your table name
//replace address and description with the filed name
// execute query
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query.
// print message with ID of inserted record
echo ("Idea $id has been deleted!<BR>");
function submission_ban($key)
// create query
$query = "INSERT INTO temp (ID, type) VALUES ('$key','banned')";
//replace sites with your table name
//replace address and description with the filed name
// execute query
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query.
// print message with ID of inserted record
echo ("The IP address that submitted idea $id has been banned!<BR>");
[Back to original message]