Posted by dorayme on 10/24/06 06:13
In article
Leonard Blaisdell <leo@greatbasin.com> wrote:
> In article <zjf%g.20739$E02.8389@newsb.telia.net>,
> "Luigi Donatello Asero" <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> wrote:
> > But what about the others who have supported Linux for so many years?
> You are already set up to run Linux on your machine. Why bother to buy
> *another machine*? It doesn't make sense. dorayme doesn't know what
> she's talking about. Any Mac group she may throw out at you will be dull
> and lifeless. Macs suck!
> disingenuous leo
Luigi, Leo is just wanting to keep the Mac community very very
exclusive. He guards it jealously. There is one point of concern
I share with him: if you come in, maybe every Italian in Sweden
will want in and then where will we be? Absolutely flooded. The
Mac community has never had a rush (a rush? a rash?) of
Italians-in-Sweden. I can understand this.
Of course you do not need another machine, that good 'ol fightin'
woman in me knows that! Ha!
You are going to make life very complicated for yourself, you are
not a young man any more, Luigi, my men have reported back to me
on everything and I want to protect you. Just go to XP, put in
all the security updates and virus protectors (all tax deductable
in Sweden) and stuff and Bob could very easily be your uncle...
Live a little wildly even, let go a bit, maybe put in no
security... I am not suggesting you should go as far as like
Kirk Douglas did in The Arrangement when he let go the wheel of
his car in a high speed tunnel...even figuratively, of course,
not in your little Fiat.
May I rave a bit? God almighty, David Dorward is not wrong about
centering things not being trivial, I am struggling to center a
div in which I have a lot of little floats and I want that each
row is centered without knowing how big anyone is going to open
the container... The difficulty is that when there is not enough
room on the right, they wrap to the next line and all are very
neat but there is now a space on the right that obviously is for
nothing. It is not that I mind empty spaces - I am a keen
defender of emptiness generally - but here it is not just empty,
it is empty in a positive way. It is like the silence in the
world after we have all been badly nuked. It is a positive
nothing. One easy "solution" is to make the little floating divs
very small so that a bit of a space is hardly noticed. But if a
ruddy great 150px can't fit on the right, it will wrap to the
left and as much as 149px will appear as wasted space on the
right. If I cannot solve, I give a url and Korpela will have to
come charging to the rescue. It is as simple as that. You see now
Luigi, why i am happily diverted by your latest idea. What I am
doing otherwise is painful. But how magnificent it will be when
it is finished!
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