Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 10/24/06 13:20
"dorayme" <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> skrev i meddelandet
> In article
> <leo-7D4BC4.20211523102006@sn-indi.vsrv-sjc.supernews.net>,
> Leonard Blaisdell <leo@greatbasin.com> wrote:
> > In article <zjf%g.20739$E02.8389@newsb.telia.net>,
> > "Luigi Donatello Asero" <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > But what about the others who have supported Linux for so many years?
> >
> > You are already set up to run Linux on your machine. Why bother to buy
> > *another machine*? It doesn't make sense. dorayme doesn't know what
> > she's talking about. Any Mac group she may throw out at you will be dull
> > and lifeless. Macs suck!
> >
> > disingenuous leo
> Luigi, Leo is just wanting to keep the Mac community very very
> exclusive. He guards it jealously. There is one point of concern
> I share with him: if you come in, maybe every Italian in Sweden
> will want in and then where will we be? Absolutely flooded. The
> Mac community has never had a rush (a rush? a rash?) of
> Italians-in-Sweden. I can understand this.
> Of course you do not need another machine, that good 'ol fightin'
> woman in me knows that! Ha!
> You are going to make life very complicated for yourself, you are
> not a young man any more, Luigi, my men have reported back to me
> on everything and I want to protect you. Just go to XP, put in
> all the security updates and virus protectors (all tax deductable
> in Sweden) and stuff and Bob could very easily be your uncle...
No. I had rather not use XP to post here.
Luigi Donatello Asero
瑞典有 九百万人口大约
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