Reply to Re: HTML email with PHP tags

Your name:


Posted by Breklin on 10/24/06 17:21

Sure you can. In your variable where you are writing your HTML, insert
your PHP variables using the " . . " concatenation methods.

UKuser wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Not sure if this is possible.
> If I'm sending HTML emails, how can I include PHP tags? I've tried the
> standard <?php tags and just inserting them anyway, but neither seem to
> work. I really just want to format the text to make it look better
> rather than putting images etc.
> I.e. using this example from
> <?php
> mail('', 'Subject',
> '<html><body><p>Your <i>message</i> here.</p></body></html>',
> "To: The Receiver <>\n" .
> "From: The Sender <>\n" .
> "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" .
> "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1");
> ?>
> Within the <html> tags I'd like to include variables like $usernames
> etc.
> Thanks
> A

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