Posted by Gιrard Talbot on 10/25/06 21:57
Spartanicus wrote :
> GΓ©rard Talbot <newsblahgroup@gtalbot.org> wrote:
>> If you include the following in a webpage
>> <!--[if gte IE 4]>
>> <p>You're using Internet Explorer which is known to be prone to
>> spywares, to have unpatched security weaknesses and to make computers
>> unsafe. For best security and better usability, please consider
>> switching to a better browser. You may visit <a
>> href="http://browsehappy.com/"><img
>> src="http://browsehappy.com/buttons/bh_185x75.gif" width="185"
>> height="75 alt="Browse Happy" style="vertical-align: bottom;"></a> for
>> explanations and assistance.</p>
>> <![endif]-->
>> it will work accordingly, as expected for IE users and it should still
>> work for many years.
> MS Conditional Comments were not introduced until IE5.0/Win, so IE4
> users would not get the message.
> Then there is also the unbelievable arrogance and patronising attitude
> exhibited by the above message.
You are over-exaggerating here. Internet Explorer 5.x and IE 6 are prone
to spywares, have unpatched security weaknesses and do make computers
unsafe. Even US-CERT has said so in broad daylight. An objective,
neutral examination of secunia.com website and a wide majority of
security columnists will side with me on this.
> It's no-one's bleeping business what
> browser a user is using, and IE is no exception to this.
> Aggressively pushing alternatives to IE
Read me again. I do say "please consider" in the above text.
> by the above scaremongering and
> lambasting
You are over-excessively exaggerating here.
> frequently causes people to develop a hatred for other
> browsers and the people pushing them.
It's possible that too pushy messages or awkward advocacy campains may
trigger the reverse of their intents.
It's also possible that some people are curious, have an open-minded
attitude and will want to check a link coming from a website that, over
the years, they have learn to trust too.
> *YOU* reject IE, so don't use it.
Can *YOU* show me where I actually reject IE on my website?? I have a
detailed IE 7 bugs section on my site and I have participated in many
ways to report the bugs in IE 6 as well. If I really rejected IE as a
whole, I would not have reported the problems, spec violations, etc..
that I was able to reproduce.
I don't use IE and don't recommend IE: that's true. But I don't have a
rigid, dogmatic approach to browsers either.
> Mind your own business about what
> others use.
I don't understand your agressive response to my post. I was assuming we
were discussing the original poster's quests and issues. I advanced an
opinion and merely proposed an idea (some text with a link to
browsehappy webpage) which, I believe, is still defendable decision.
remove blah to email me
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