Posted by IchBin on 10/26/06 19:45
Michael Vilain wrote:
> In article <teacnbk99Ze3n9zYUSdV9g@ptd.net>, IchBin <weconsul@ptd.net>
> wrote:
>> Sorry, I am a Java programmer and very new to php and was wondering with
>> these questions. How do you typically integrate CSS into a PHP script.
>> Do you embed it or reference a external CSS file? Have an include script
>> to dynamically generate it. How do you have it work with a HTML FORM?
>> Sorry, I have no clue as of yet. I have just started to research it.
>> I have written the php code for my quotation test site. I want to start
>> to format it via css. I have just built and playing with it at
>> http://ichbinquotations.awardspace.com
>> Also, any tips and Preferred Resources?
> CSS and HTML are the "output" of whatever sever-side programming
> language you're using to generate that output. If you're using some
> sort of templating system, use it's constructs. Otherwise, this is up
> to how you've designed the program.
> You can buy lots of books on HTML and CSS from lots of places. I like
> the O'Reilley and Sitepoint offerings.
Thanks for all of your replies...
For this particular group of scripts I am not using any templating.
I should have been clearer. Guess my question was not about the natures
of CSS\HTML\PHP. I understand those.
Looking for tips on usual way to tightly couple them to my advantage.
PHP is not linked to CSS but they can be tightly coupled. PHP works on
the server side but can also present the client side presentation. In
this presentation I wanted to interlace HTML, CSS and PHP code.
Is this a viable approach? I realize their are no standards in PHP but
their must be more efficient ways, that have floated to the top, to
approach what I am trying to do..? Or is this the right approach?
This maybe a basic html/css issue but when I tightly couple it with PHP
I see questions?
Maybe with this perspective this would be a better way to ask my
questions. :shock:
My sources for documentation has been the W3C Recommendations for HTML
and CSS.
Thanks in Advance... http://ichbin.9999mb.com
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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