Posted by peter on 10/28/06 14:20
>I need to change a setting in the php.ini file but the host won't
> change it.
> I know I can put the following before the session_start()..
> ini_set('session.use_cookies',0);
> but do I need to do this on every page or is once enough on say a login
> page?
> Also, I have read that you can add the following to a .htaccess file...
> php_value session.use_cookies 0
> I created a 1 lined text file with the above line in it and saved in on
> the server in the same dir as the index page under the file name
> .htaccess.
> This didn't work and I got an internal server error.
Regarding the question of wether you have to do the line of php on every
page. Yes every page that you wish to use cookies on will need that line.
Also regarding the host, it is uinlikely any host would change an ini
setting on the server as it would impact everyone who uses it.
The htaccess line it is possible they have disabled the option of changing
settings via this method.
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