Posted by Krustov on 10/30/06 00:59
The question of how to create thumbnails with clickable links gets asked
on this newsgroup every so often - like clock work .
Just really posing this script here for google to archive it & so users
can be pointed to it in the future via a link to google groups .
<style type="text/css">
body {margin-bottom : 0px;margin-left : 0px; margin-right : 0px;
margin-top : 0px;}
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A:visited {text-decoration: none;}
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A:hover {text-decoration : underline;}
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color : Black; background-color: #F9FBFB;
font-size : 20pt; font-family : Arial;
padding-left: 22px; padding-right: 22px; padding-top: 3px; padding-
bottom: 3px;
border: 1px solid #CFD1F1;
background-color: #FFEFFF;
padding-left: 2px; padding-right: 2px; padding-top: 2px; padding-bottom:
border: 1px solid #FEDAFE;
background-color: #F5DDFF;
padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; padding-top: 0px; padding-bottom:
border: 1px solid #DADBD1;
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<body class="backy">
$dir="test/images"; $columns=6;
# .jpg .gif .png , You can use any of these 3 image extensions , But not
more than one at a time .
$what=$_REQUEST['filex']; $what=strtolower($what);
if ($what<>"")
if ($what=="jpg") {$ext=".jpg";}
if ($what=="gif") {$ext=".gif";}
if ($what=="png") {$ext=".png";}
$thumbext="_thumb" . "$ext";
$whatupper=str_replace(".","",$ext); $whatupper=strtoupper($whatupper);
<div align="center" class="gap9"> </div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td class="tap">THUMBNAILS - <?php print $whatupper; ?></td>
<div align="center" class="gap5"> </div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td><a href="<?php print $weed; ?>?filex=jpg" class="thumbnav">< JPG
<td><a href="<?php print $weed; ?>?filex=gif" class="thumbnav">< GIF
<td><a href="<?php print $weed; ?>?filex=png" class="thumbnav">< PNG
<div align="center" class="gap5"> </div>
while (false!==($boywonder=readdir($joker)))
while ($temp<$batman)
$img_name="$dir" . "/" . "$demo";
if ($penguin==$ext && $catwoman<>$thumbext)
if (!file_exists($filename)) {$pass=0;}
if ($pass==0)
$max_width=150; $max_height=80;
$width_ratio=($size[0] / $max_width); $height_ratio=($size[1] /
if ($width_ratio>=$height_ratio) {$ratio=$width_ratio;} else {$ratio=
$new_width=($size[0] / $ratio); $new_height=($size[1] / $ratio);
if ($ext==".jpg") {$src_img=ImageCreateFromJPEG($img_name);}
if ($ext==".gif") {$src_img=ImageCreateFromGIF($img_name);}
if ($ext==".png") {$src_img=ImageCreateFromPNG($img_name);}
while (false!==($boywonder=readdir($joker)))
while ($temp<$homer)
if ($catwoman==$thumbext)
$thumb_name="$dir" . "/" . "$demo";
print "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 align=center>";
while ($loopy<$lisa)
print "<tr valign=top>";
while ($tempxx<$columns)
if ($loopy<$lisa)
if (!file_exists($filename)) {$passimage=0;}
if ($passimage==0)
print "<td class=box>";
print "$filename";
print "<br>";
print "<span class=rrb>FILE NOT FOUND</span>";
print "<br><br>";
print "<span class=mma>DELETE THE FOLLOWING FILE</span>";
print "<br>";
print "<span class=nnb>$millhouse[$loopy]</span>";
print "<br>";
print "<span class=mma>TO PREVENT THIS ERROR FROM HAPPENING</span>";
print "</td>";
if ($passimage==1)
if ($ralph>999) {$ralph=substr($ralph,0,$wiggum-3);} else {$ralph="?";}
$barney="$ralph" . "k";
print "<td class=box>";
print "<div align=left class=bar><span class=nna>($duffbeer)</span>
<span class=bba>$apu[0] x $apu[1]</span> <span class=mma>$barney</span>
print "";
print "<div align=center class=gap3> </div>";
print "<a href=$diamondjoe[$loopy]><img src=$millhouse[$loopy] width=
$size[0] height=$size[1] border=0></a><br>";
print "</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "</table>";
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