Posted by johnmark on 11/02/06 00:06
johnmark@fastermail.com wrote:
> I am running the same script in two different servers. I check nusoap
> debug trace aand found these two lines that are didferent which makes
> the script using the second line not to work properly. Does anyone know
> what could be cuasing this difference? That is why is the second line
> missing style value, use,
> and endpointType?
> call: operation=OpenConnectionAndBeginSession,
> namespace=http://tempuri.org, soapAction=, rpcParams=, style=rpc,
> use=encoded, endpointType=wsdl
> call: operation=OpenConnectionAndBeginSession,
> namespace=http://tempuri.org, soapAction=, rpcParams=, style
Never mind about this fount at the server was not writing the output
file completely
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