Posted by IchBin on 11/02/06 16:07
Sorry, I am new to php...
When some one suggest that they want to abstract an applications
organization of the presentation layer via TPL files. Is the phrase "TPL
files" a generic name for any template architecture. Example Smarty or
HTML_QuickForm. I understand the concept, of this abstraction, using
other languages just not for the term "TPL" file.
If not what is particular about the TPL file type. I searched and seems
to be related to some template architecture in UNIX\linux. Sorry can't
remember the particulars.
Also is there any good tutorials for building TPL files and associated
to separate files with non presentation code if not a generic term.
I just happen to be using HTML_FORMS in my scripts in question. I happen
to have the HTML_QuickForm and code inter mixing and not separated. For
some reason in PHP I can not see the abstraction code bridge to
Thanks in Advance... http://ichbin.9999mb.com
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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