Posted by shoa on 06/19/05 02:30
Thank you for all help
What I really want is that in my webpage, there is a small screen so that
visitors can view my video clip. By uing this way, I can display some more
text in this web. I do not want to view the video in whole screen as using
Window Media Player.
"Richard" <@invalid.com> wrote in message
> "HS1" <son@slingshot.co.nz> wrote in message
> news:1119097081.363828@ftpsrv1...
> > Hello
> > I want to create a web
> It's already been created.
> > in that a visitor can view my video (MPEG). The web
> Oh, I see, you want to add a bit to the existing one.
> > will show a small screen with play button. If he clicks that button, he
> can
> > view the movie( of course, he may have to wait for the movie for
> download).
> > If you know where I can find document (or tool) for doing it, please let
> me
> > know..
> <a href="movie.mpeg">View movie</a> ?
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