Posted by Andy Hassall on 11/05/06 23:11
On Sun, 05 Nov 2006 13:45:04 -0500, CharlesL <cl@sd.nl> wrote:
>I am trying to handle binary strings in php. I get a binary output
>initialization vector from mcrypt as such:
>from mcrypt:
> $iv = mcrypt_create_iv($iv_size, MCRYPT_RAND);
>This output may have padded nulls at the end which are significant.
>I would like to convert all characters including all padding nulls at
>end and convert it in a string to be saved into a database in such a way
>that I can reconstruct it back to binary again later.
>base64_encode and decode is not doing the job. They don't seem to
>preserve the original binary value after base64_decode().
What version are you using? I'm not seeing trimming of trailing nul bytes on
PHP 5.2.0, at least:
andyh@excession /cygdrive/c/public_html
$ cat test.php
$data = str_repeat(chr(0), 16);
var_dump(unpack('H*', $data));
print base64_encode($data) . "\n";
var_dump(unpack('H*', base64_decode(base64_encode($data))));
andyh@excession /cygdrive/c/public_html
$ php test.php
array(1) {
string(32) "00000000000000000000000000000000"
array(1) {
string(32) "00000000000000000000000000000000"
(And incidentally pack/unpack may give you another option)
Andy Hassall :: andy@andyh.co.uk :: http://www.andyh.co.uk
http://www.andyhsoftware.co.uk/space :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool
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