Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/07/06 18:21
Rudi Menter wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>Rudi Menter wrote:
>>>when using xamppsecurity.php there seems to be no way to again
>>>get rid of the mysqlrootpasswd after it once hast been set, so
>>>do you know a way to achieve that?
>>And this is a PHP question - how? PHP doesn't have any security.
> People tend to chunk in certain groups, while other ones got no
> traffic for days... Is that too much traffic here for your taste?
>>Did you check the MySQL docs on how to change the root password
>>in MySQL? It's available online at http://www.mysql.com.
> Yep, there is a batch-file, but, unfortunately, it does not work ;)
> Thank you,
> Regards
And if you ask in the proper group, you're much more likely to get a
good answer.
This group is for PHP questions - it's not a catch-all for any question
someone might have. That's why I'm recommending you try the MySQL docs.
You can easily change passwords via the MySQL command line prompt.
Of course, you can also do it in phpMyAdmin.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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