Posted by IchBin on 11/08/06 20:36
dolfantimmy wrote:
> I am fairly new to actually developing sites, though I have been
> hosting various "pre-developed" sites for years. Anyway, one thing is
> driving me nuts. I find very nice "templates" to start with when
> creating my pages. But, I often run in to this same issue. The page is
> simply a table, centered, with various text of different sizes in the
> single columned table.
> I'd like to add menu items, or perhaps adsense to the left and right of
> the table. But, be it in dreamweaver or golive, when I try to enter
> text to the left side of the table, it gets inserted above. When I try
> to enter the text on the right it gets stuck on the bottom. How do I
> insert code to the sides of a table?
Try build forms using CSS
Thanks in Advance... http://ichbin.9999mb.com
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA http://weconsultants.phpnet.us
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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