Posted by John Bell on 06/19/05 17:19
This is almost exactly the same as the example in the link I posted,
although what is not clear is what your key is for the tables. If this is
PRECO and that is your only way of uniquely identifying a record, then you
may want to think creating an alternate key that will not change.
"Lucio Chiessi [VORio]" <lucio@vorio.eti.br> wrote in message
> hI John. Thanks a lot for your reply!
> I'm posting now my code. If you can help me, thanks a lot twice!
> =================================================================
> AS
> Declare @cProdNo as char(10)
> Declare @cFrClNo as char(10)
> Declare @lIsCompra as bit
> Declare @nPrecAnt as numeric(15,5)
> Declare @nPrecNov as numeric(15,5)
> IF Update(PRECO)
> Begin
> Select @nPrecAnt = del.PRECO from deleted as del
> Select @cProdNo = ins.PRODNO, @cFrClNo = ins.FRCLNO,@nPrecNov =
> ins.PRECO, @lIsCompra = ins.ISCOMPRA from inserted as ins
> Insert into HIST_CHG_PRECO values
> (GetDate(),@cProdNo,@cFrClNo,@lIsCompra,@nPrecAnt,@nPrecNov)
> End
> GO
> ==================================================================
> John Bell escreveu:
>> Hi
>> You didn't post your code to it is hard to comment. Triggers need to
>> cater
>> for multiple rows being effected by the statement that triggers them.
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