Posted by Hats on 06/20/05 03:36
I've a site with no php, but ssi and scriptlets do work. I tried these
<object type="text/x-scriptlet" data="/tools/scriptlet1.html">
<!--#include file="/tools/include.txt" -->
Well, I'm mainly concerned with compatibility, and also uniform stylability.
The include tag leaves lots of space on left and right sides, even if put in
a div, when styled.The object tag doesn't align center, nor does the width
cooperate. I couldn't get it to align, due to the <!--.
Any experience with such as these? Can an "INCLUDE" be used to insert
html pages? That code in the "OBJECT" tag throws me, "text/x-scriptlet",
that works with an html file. Are OBJECT/SCRIPTLETS Kosher? Is it HTML,
ASP, or what is it? I guess Im mainly concerned with popularity, and
compatibility, more than anything else. Which is most common, popular,
less problematic, universal, useful, versatile, etc.. How would you go
inserting an editable seperate footer. Include, object, iframe, or what?
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