Posted by Krustov on 11/12/06 14:16
<11 Nov 2006 22:01:01 -0800>
> I'm hoping for help with the auto-generation of a hyperlinked listing
> of all files in a directory. The server I use does not auto-generate
> this. So, when someone comes to this directory and thus opens
> index.htm, I want that file to show a listing of all files in the
> directory with hyperlinks to them.
This only shows .jpg files , Remove the (if stuff) from the following to
display everything .
while (false!==($boywonder=readdir($joker)))
while ($temp<$batman)
if ($penguin==".jpg")
$link="$dir" . "/" . "$demo";
print "<a href=$link>$demo</a><br>";
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