Posted by Spartanicus on 06/20/05 15:01
"Hats" <Hats@ms.com> wrote:
Unnecessary cross posting trimmed.
>How would you go about
>inserting an editable seperate footer. Include, object, iframe, or what?
None of those three.
Using iframe and object opens a separate viewport inside another
document, the embedded html should be a complete html document, not a
code fragment. This separate viewport needs to be given a specific width
and height, this results in scroll bars if the embedded html does not
fit inside the specified size, these scroll bars are a usability
problem. Following links in such embedded html opens inside the separate
viewport, not in the containing document.
Server side inclusion can be used for code fragments, but it throws up
cache issues and needlessly causes server load.
Using S&R or a preprocessor you can replace a common "footer" in all
your documents without any drawbacks.
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