Posted by K A Nuttall on 11/14/06 16:00
Bergamot wrote:
> So you're saying that using something like
> body {font-size: medium}
> .wrap {font-size: 62.15%}
> p {font-size: 1.2em}
> is easier than
> body {font-size:100%}
> or not setting any font-size at all? Must be that new math thing. ;)
Say the browser medium typeface is left at the common setting of
body { font-size: medium; }
#wrap { font-size: 62.5%; }
h1 { font-size: 1.9em; }
p { font-size: 1.2em; }
....would set an h1 size of 19px and a p size of 12px.
For people with a larger base font size, say 18px, h1 would be about
21px and p about 14px.
The point of reducing the wrap to 62.5% is that it's then a piece of
cake to duplicate design typeface sizes as neat multiples of 10 without
using a calculator. It's not ideal, but at least the markup is clean,
and the decimals are easy to follow.
You could equally abandon the font-size on #wrap, and recalculate h1 as
1.1875em and p as 0.75em (or using % and/or rounding if desired), but I
personally prefer the other way.
K A Nuttall
Re-type the e-mail address how it sounds, remove .invalid
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