Posted by Harlan Messinger on 11/14/06 19:33
GS wrote:
> Thanks for his message, what I want is, I need to save it in particular
> directory, that directoiry name I need to hardcode it, can I do that in
> html page, I am running this html page on some embedded device, I have
> some directory for these files, I need to hardcode to save into
> particular dir, can I do that?. Is there any peice of java or html code
> available. thanks.
No, there is no HTML that says, "When a user decides to save a copy of
this document, force him to save it *here*." Java in a web browser can't
do anything to the user's system, unless possibly if a foolish user
allows them to. Do you see how there might be a security threat if
programs in your browser could do whatever they wanted to your files?
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