Posted by windandwaves on 11/15/06 05:01
Hi Gurus
Consider you have two divs:
<div style="float: left; width: 300px; background-color: red;">
Donec quam odio, hendrerit ut, commodo vel, egestas quis, leo. Morbi
fermentum. Morbi congue, mi a interdum consectetuer, pede lorem
vehicula dui, sit amet blandit tellus nisl in orci. Nullam est urna,
varius quis, eleifend euismod, ultricies sed, dui.
<div style="margin-left: 310px; width: 300px; background-color:
Praesent placerat nunc eget lectus. Etiam sit amet ipsum. Nulla arcu
felis, posuere ornare, commodo vel, feugiat ac, libero. Cras eget elit
sit amet nisi imperdiet pretium. Nulla condimentum eros a ipsum
interdum dictum. Nulla facilisi. Proin sed lectus. Cras ut nulla.
If I made the same two-column setup in a table I would be sure that
both columns would be equally long. This would be great, because it
would mean that the background-colors would go down equally far down
the page.
However, with the divs, the background-color stops where the text
stops. I can think of several ways to resolve this, but I was
wondering if there is a "best practice" solution.
The solutions I can think of are:
1. put in a min-height in the css (does not work in all browsers)
2. put in an invisible image that makes the div a mininum height
3. specificy height for both divs
All of the solutions above have the problem that they dont allow very
well for people with increased (or decreased font-sizes). I would
prefer if both divs would take on the length of the longest of the two
divs, thereby reaching nicely to the end of the text.
What can you recommend?
> Nicolaas
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