Posted by Advo on 11/15/06 15:51
Hi there.
I've got some data currently stored in an Excel table, or a notepad
file depending on which would be easier to work with.. Im assuming
notepad(.txt) so that data can be read into php.
Anyway, this data is majorly corrupted and contains stuff i dont need.
For instance, a sample line is:
MNs73dd78INFORMATION I NEED 32427 12759 39384425 495242 15.206412
0.191214 44.164503 -93.993798
As you can see, its pretty messed up. I only need the "INFORMATION I
NEED" part, not the 9 characters before, nor any numbers or decimal
places afterwards.
I cant do this manually, as there are tens of thounsands of records.
Any ideas how I could go about this please.
Im assuming I would some how remove the first 9 characters, and then
some how remove all numbers and decimal places, but i've got no idea
how to go about it.
Kind Regards
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