Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 11/17/06 02:37
casper christensen wrote:
> Hi
> well after screwing around I found out how to make it work. thanks..
> but....
> Now I found out the first code...getting the database id....isn't
> really working:(
> It writes the id as "123" everytime. How else can i get the id. I can
> see the id in the admin panel, so it writes it somehow..
> any good ideas
> Casper
That's an awful lot of code to go through to find a problem like that.
Do you have it on a web page so we can see what you're getting? It's
hard to test it here without your database...
Also, when I get strange problems like this I just start commenting out
the code - make it as simple as possible. An alternative is to put echo
statements at critical points in your code (i.e. in loops where you're
retrieving the value) to see what it shows. It's helped me find a lot
of nasty bugs. Note that depending on where it is in the html and what
browser you're using, you may have to look at your page source to see
the output.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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