Posted by Els on 11/17/06 12:59
Knut Krueger wrote:
> Hi to all,
> I have a problem at this page:
> http://uni-regensburg.equine-behaviour.de/index.php?cooperation.php
> There is a big empty space after
> *Kooperationen mit* and the rest of the page
> maybe anybody could give me a hint to prevent this space
> allign:top;}
"allign" is spelled wrong: align has only one 'l'.
Also it's not a valid property, you probably meant 'vertical-align'.
> float: middle;
float:middle; ?? where did you find that one?
In your other stylesheet, you have PHP, but the stylesheet is not
parsed as PHP, so it results in invalid stylesheet content.
http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ may help with the discovery of
mistakes like that.
Now, your empty space:
> .maxplank {
> vertical-align:top;
> display: block;
> float: left;
> clear: left;
There is your culprit. You cleared the left-floated sidebar, meaning
that div.maxplank will stay below the bottom of div#sidebar.
(this also goes for div.wien and div.nuernberg, but they are already
below sidebar level, so you don't notice)
Els http://locusmeus.com/
accessible web design: http://locusoptimus.com/
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