Posted by Pierre on 11/17/06 22:44
KrunoG <REMOVErad.astronomija@gmail.com> wrote:
> In your query you're mixing the logic of sql server and oracle. If you use
> sql server then joins are made within the 'from' part of the statement. In
> Oracle that's made after entering all the tables wanted in the query, in
> 'where' part.
> try this one >
Actually, there is still something that I don't understand, you replaced
my where clause joining table i and c with a left join. However, I would
like that condition to always be joining. To my understanding, left join
returns records of c even if there would be no corresponding record in i
(same with t with the second join). Here I have a table of clients, one
of clients that are registered this year 'i' and one table that keep
track of clients tickets. In my query, I would like to return ticket
counts only for the clients that are registered this year. With your
query it returns tickets for former clients as well.
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