Posted by patrick j on 11/23/06 18:19
Nikita the Spider wrote:
> I'm on 10.3.9; sorry if I misled you. IMHO the behavior you describe
> sounds pretty annoying for a text editor. If I want to edit text, it's
> only logical that I'd turn to something called "TextEdit" to do so,
Yes it does seem to make sense I do feel "TextEdit" is rather a bad
name for the application. Leonard Blaisdell has spotted that there is a
preference for changing this behaviour. If "Ignore Rich Text commands
in HTML files" is checked then TextEdit will display the HTML for
editing, otherwise it will try to display the page like a web-browser.
> while if I want to view rendered HTML, the application name "Safari"
> suggests that perfectly. Er, well, actually Safari suggests something
> more like a pith-helmeted, khaki-clad white male on the African plains
> blasting away at a charging rhino while the "help" does all the hard
> work of carrying stuff, beating the grass for snakes, etc. That's
> nothing at all like viewing a Web page which kind of undermines my
> argument but I'm not one to be persuaded by logic when my opinion is
> threatened.
I think Safari is a daft name as well. I don't think Cyberdog on the
classic OS was particularly inspired either but better than Safari and
at least a bit fun :)
On the subject of web-browser names one with a fairly good name imho is
the one I like least which is Internet Explorer. My only feeling about
it is that it would perhaps have been better named "Web Explorer".
I think Netscape Navigator is not a bad name, but Firefox is really a
very strange name although a very good browser of course. Other good
browsers with strange names are iCab, suggesting an internet taxi, then
there's Opera suggesting, well, an Opera? Camino is a bit weird as
well. I'm sure there's a very good explanation for these names.
Having given it a bit of thought but not very much I think the best
named browser is <drum roll>
But that's just my opinion.
Having said that I don't actually use OmniWeb myself, but I think it is
a good name.
Brighton, UK
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