Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/27/06 15:53
ronrsr wrote:
> each page is a Python program -= they communicate by passing parameters
> appended to the URL - I'm trying to pass ZID, but in this case, no
> parameter is being passed. The passing of parameters work up to this
> point.
> thanks for your help.
> -rsr-
<snip html>
You have two forms in your code, one via POST to "do_update.cgi" and the
other GET to "display.cgi". Are you expecting to use one to set some
value and the other to somehow retrieve it? If so you are fundamentally
misunderstandings how the process works.
The first form that POSTs to "do_update.cgi" would send the value of
fields "zid", "keywords", "new_keywords", "quotation", "updatebutton",
and "deletebutton" within attached content and retrieved via an
environmental variable. The "do_update.cgi" script would have to process
this info and unless the script passes on info in another form or
records it in some sort of a database the values will be lost.
GET is for GETting some resource on the server, example a URL of a web
page, image, file, etc. There are no named fields in your second form so
*no* values would be passed to "display.cgi"! With GET forms the named
fields are passes via the query string in name-value pairs that are
appended to the URL, e.g.,
In you example, "display.cgi" will receive *no information* and will
have no idea what you did with "do_update.cgi" and your "zid".
Looks like you need to do a little research on how CGI works....
Take care,
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