Posted by comp.lang.php on 11/28/06 16:35
J.O. Aho wrote:
> comp.lang.php wrote:
> > J.O. Aho wrote:
> >> comp.lang.php wrote:
> >>> I am trying to pipe in some auto-generated PHP into php.exe, to no
> >>> avail:
> >> In the man page for php it suggest you to use the -r option if you want to use
> >> code as a part of the argument.
> >>
> >>
> >>> I do not have "php -r" ability on any of my machines, so that is not an
> >>> option. How then do you take PHP and pipe it into php.exe using CLI
> >>> PHP without "-r"?
> >> As you seems to use microsoft, maybe they have adjusted it to the microsofts
> >> way of things and uses /r, if you can't use that either, then you have to pipe
> >> the stream into a file which you then run, if that don't work, switch OS.
> >>
> >
> > Sorry no, I'm using Linux RHEL 4 on 2 machines and HP-UX on the other.
> > None of them are Microsoft.
> In that case, don't use the php.exe but php.
You completely confused me
> You can also try to generate '<?PHP' and '?>' around your code, and see if
> that helps you.
> //Aho
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