Posted by Rock on 11/30/06 00:42
I am going bananas trying to get text breaks and empty lines into this text
which is sent in an email.
I have tried "'s and \n and r\n\ but the text in the email still wraps and also
I see the code in the text.
Can anyone help me please as I have Googled and searched but to no avail.
This is it....
define('UNOTIFY_MESSAGE','Hello, You have requested a Response. Choose a pdf
file and download it. Read it then come back to this site. Use the email
address and password you used to Login into your Account. Thank you for
supporting us and enjoy your day');
I want it to be like this..
You have requested a Response.
Choose a pdf file and download it. Read it then come back to this site.
Use the email address and password you used to Login into your Account.
Thank you for supporting us and enjoy your day
Thank you in anticipation
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