Posted by Serge Terryn on 11/30/06 13:49
Neil Trigger schreef:
> hi.
> I'm trying to write a newsletter script but the server times out.
> I'm getting all email address fields from an sql table, putting it into a
> string, then emailing the string.
> Would it be better to email one address, then get the next?
> Cheers,
> --
> Neil Trigger
> http://www.matrix23.co.uk
Put al your email adsresses in an array
$first = time();
$second = $first + 1;
foreach ($arry as $value) {
while (($second - $first) <= 2) {
$first = $second;
That will send every 2 seconds a mail. If you mail too fast, it's
possible that de mailserver will drop your mails.
Essetee ---- Roeselare ---- Belgium
ICQ : 763290 -- Jabber : essetee@jabber.org
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