Posted by devranger on 12/01/06 14:53
I have used curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); and curl_setopt($ch,
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); on post forms to retrun results, but what
about a GET Form Method? How do you deal with these with curl? The
same commands?
The particular instance I am dealing with is a store locator and it is
not as easy as just calling the url with the variables becasue it runs
some script behind the scene that does a bunch of calculations for
calculating the lat. and lon. of the store so it can call a mappoint
map. After the form submission the url is a mess and pretty customized
to the zip code searched with lat and lon.
Here is an example of the form action:
<form Method="GET"
Here is an mocked up example of a resulting URL after the form
How would I deal with this in curl? Your help is much appreciated.
Thank you!
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