Posted by DA Morgan on 10/01/82 11:19
lawk wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using MSSQL 2k, and I have a linked server set up to an Oracle RDB
> version 7. It goes thru an OLE DB provider for ODBC drivers on a system
> DSN, which is using an Oracle RDB ODBC driver version 3.0.2.
> The problem occurs when I send a query that returns zero rows - query
> analyzer just does not complete nor return. This problem is not seen
> when there are rows being returned.
> I ran a trace and this is the error message I get-:
> Non-interface error: OLE DB provider MSDASQL returned an incorrect
> value for DBPROP_CONCATNULLBEHAVIOR which should be either
> Anybody who experienced this before has a solution?
> Thanks,
> Lawrence
Oracle version 7 is Jurassic era and unsupported by Oracle.
Unless Microsoft can help you you are on your own.
And if you are in the US you are not Sarbanes-Oxley compliant
if that is a concern.
Daniel A. Morgan
(replace x with u to respond)
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