Posted by Greg D. Moore \(Strider\) on 10/01/76 11:19
"rcamarda" <rcamarda@cablespeed.com> wrote in message
> Thanks Simon,
> As an example: Databae DS_V5_TARGET is 23,328MB with 16,086 MB free. I
> think the original size that I created was 2,048MB. I try to shrink it,
> no change in size. I then learned that I have to backup the
> transactions so that they can be flagged as clearable (not sure the
> exact terms). So I did a backup via EM, shrink still wont work (via
> EM). I dont get errors, i just dont get the files to shrink in size. I
> will say, that I have shrunk the databases in the past succesfully, it
> just seems hit or miss.
First question:
Why are you letting it grow in the first place. You're better off
keeping it one size. (i.e. not growing and shrinking it.)
Second question: Where is most of the space, in the DB file or the log file?
If it's the log file most likely the "virtual log" is at the end of the
physical log file. (I thought SQL 2000 "fixed" this issue but I haven't
really looked into it.)
Don't let DB grow by 10% if you do insist on using autogrowth. Use a fixed
amount. Otherwise each time it grows it'll grow by a larger amount each
> I know point 2 is very vague, I'll try to recreate and post follow ups.
> running with SP4.
> Thanks for the links
> Rob
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