Posted by Bryan Oakley on 12/01/06 21:38
comp.lang.tcl wrote:
> Bryan Oakley wrote:
>>Show us *precisely* what you type.
> set php {<?
> error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
> $xml = preg_replace('/(>)[\\n\\r\\\s\\t]+(<)/', '$1$2',
> $argv[1]); /* STRIP OUT WHITESPACE xml_parser_set_option() MIGHT MANGLE
> XML */
> $parser = @xml_parser_create();
> @xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $xmlArray, $tags);
> @xml_parser_free_parser($parser);
> for ($i = 1; $i < @sizeof($xmlArray) - 1; $i++) \{
> foreach ($xmlArray[$i]['attributes'] as $attr => $val)
> $tclList .= $attr . ' \{' . str_replace('\{', '{',
> str_replace('\}', '}', $val)) . '\} '; /* ESCAPED CURLY BRACES FOR
> \}
> echo trim($tclList);
> ?>}
> global valPHPPath
> if {![info exists valPHPPath]} {
> if {![array exists env]} { global env }
> source cgi_globals.tcl
> global valPHPPath
> }
> set contentsList [exec $valPHPPath << $php]
> -----------
> There you go, exactly what I typed
> -----------
> This is the error I get:
> Status: 404 X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.4 Content-type: text/html No input
> file specified. child process exited abnormally while executing "exec
> $valPHPPath -q << $php" (procedure "XML_GET_ALL_ELEMENT_ATTRS" line 37)
Strip out all the Tcl. All of it. Every last byte. Put the php into a
file. Then, from a command line type "php /your/file.php"
You will get the exact same error. The bug is in php, of which I know
nothing about. What I do know is that the problem isn't Tcl.
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