Posted by Vic Spainhower on 12/03/06 16:56
"Geoffrey" <google.poster@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Hmmmm...well, I'm stumped. I've never seen this behavior before and
> don't really know how to explain it. The POST array should contain the
> values of the two input elements in your HTML file (MAX_FILE_SIZE and
> your submit button). The FILES array should contain the file
> information. Even with uploads disabled in php.ini, the POST array
> contents shouldn't change. For curiousity's sake, could you post the
> output of the print_r function for POST and FILES, please?
Hi Geoffrey,
yea me to! here's the print_r stuff showing userfile in the POST array. Why
would it matter to the FTP put which array contains the file name to be
uploaded? I could see that being a problem if it was an HTTP upload. Since
it works on my localhost going to the same FTP server I would think the
problem would not be in the PHP script. Here's also the php.ini info
FILES Array:
Array ( )
POST Array:
Array ( [MAX_FILE_SIZE] => 30000 [userfile] => C:\\Client Databases\\Hughes
Supply\\Hughes_Projects.NET.zip [continue] => Send File )
; File Uploads ;
file_uploads = On ; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads
upload_tmp_dir = ; temporary directory for HTTP uploaded
files (will use system default if not specified)
upload_max_filesize = 2M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files
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