Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/05/06 03:31
Martien van Wanrooij wrote:
> "Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> schreef in bericht
> news:HK6dnelpg8kFCu7YnZ2dnUVZ_uqdnZ2d@comcast.com...
>> OK, you think the class is populated correctly before you display a
>> picture. Have you actually printed out the contents of $foto_array at
>> the end of the getFromMySql() function? I never assume something
>> should be there - I *always* print it out to make sure! :-)
> Well I actually printed it out now just at the end of the getFromMySql()
> function and curiously enough the whole array is printed. The only thing
> that not works (when I retrieve the fotos with getFromMySql) is the foto
> 0 van 10 statement which should be foto 1 van 10, foto 2 van 10 and
> probably for the same reason the reference to the previous foto is
> grayed out and instead of the next foto a reference to the first one is
> made.
> I also stored the array into a session but again without any result
> BTW the code for instantiating the fotoclass is as follows
> <?php
> session_start();
> $title = " - Ceciliaviering 2006"?>
> <?php include("header.php") ?>
> <?php include ("fotoclas.php") ?>
> <p class = "krktitel" align = "center">Ceciliaviering 2006<p>
> <DIV STYLE="text-align:center">
> <?php
> $f = new fotoAlbum("q","ceci2k6.php");
> /*
> commented out here but this is what works in other pages
> $f->addThumbnails(array(
> "ceci2k600.jpg",
> "ceci2k601.jpg",
> "ceci2k602.jpg",
> "ceci2k603.jpg",
> "ceci2k604.jpg",
> "ceci2k605.jpg",
> "ceci2k606.jpg",
> "ceci2k607.jpg",
> "ceci2k608.jpg",
> "ceci2k609.jpg"
> ));*/
> $f->getFromMySql("ceci2k6"); //the function with which I have troubles
> $f->swapDisplay(4);
> ?></DIV>
> <?php include ("footer.php") ?>
OK, I'm just having a little trouble understanding here. After your
call to getFromMySql(), does the array actually contain the values
I now you said it does after the all to addThumnails(), but I'm still
not clear what's in it after the call to getFromMySql().
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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