Posted by gehegeradeaus on 12/06/06 12:56
Tim Van Wassenhove schreef:
> gehegeradeaus@gmail.com schreef:
> > Is there a way to prevent one user-account from logging in twice on the
> > same system when using sessions?
> >
> > I also put the session of a user in a mysql database :
> >
> > CREATE TABLE `login_sessions` (
> > `login_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
> > `login_session_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
> > `login_user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
> > `login_date` int(14) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
> > PRIMARY KEY (`login_id`)
> >
> > I can check whether the user_id is already in the database, but what if
> > the user doesn't log out properly?
> - Add a 'loginnumber' column to each user.
> - Every time the user logs in you increment the loginnumber by one and
> store it in the users session
> - On every page request you verify if the loginnumber in the session is
> still the persisted one
> -> advantage: the previous 'loginnumber' will expire as soon as the user
> logs in again. No need to think about expiring older sessions...
> -> disadvantage: you have to verify the loginnumber on each page request
> (but if you're going to keep track of the 'last requested' page you have
> to do this too...)
> --
> Tim Van Wassenhove <url:http://www.timvw.be/>
but I think the opposite will happen : the new user will be logged in,
and the existing session will be ended... What I want is to prevent the
new user (with the same user-account) to log-in to the system...
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