Posted by shawnews on 12/06/06 18:52
I would like to enable ppl a country choice on the first page and it should
be saved while they're resting on my site so i can pre-select it on the
contact form, I tried following:
[top of index.php - nothing above]
session_start(); // start up your PHP session!
if ($_POST['country'])
echo "counry's been saved as: ".$_SESSION['country'];
[/top of index.php - nothing above]
[contact.php (where i wanna use the info)]
if ($_SESSION['country'])
echo $_SESSION['country'];
[/contact.php (where i wanna use the info)]
it wouldn't echo anything on contacvt.php....what have i forgotten/overseen?
Help apprecaited!
Thanks very much!
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