Posted by "Ben Duffy" on 10/21/75 11:19
I would read in the CSV file, and populate two arrays, using the
ordernumber as a key in the header array, loop through the header array
containg $o_num, $date, $name, $addr, to do the db inserts.
The details table would be an array of arrays, key would be ordernumber
again, then the sub array would be the line number. You can set to 1, then
increment until you detect a new ordernumber The contents of the detail sub
array contains $item_num, $quan, $desc. Loop through this this array to
produce your details table inserts.
"Vince LaMonica" <vjl@cullasaja.com> wrote in message
> On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Sergey wrote:
> } You can insert file data in DB first, using LOAD DATA INTO FILE, after
> } be easy to manipulate this DB table with a help of php-script.
> Actually, I can't, as the CSV contains fields for two different tables. I
> may have explained it better here:
> I have a CVS file that has order header *and* line item info on each line,
> like:
> 1110,6/20/2005,Jan Doe,123 Main St,99990000,1,Book
> 1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,19191980,1,CD
> 1116,6/22/2005,Jim Smith,44 Here St,77736222,1,Tape
> The above is actually two orders - one with one line item, and the 2nd
> with two line items. I need to insert data from those lines into two
> tables:
> insert into order_header (o_num, date, name, addr)
> values ('1110','6/20/2005','Jan Doe','123 Main St'),
> ('1116','6/22/2005','Jim Smith','44 Here St');
> insert into line_items (o_num, item_num, quan, desc, line_order)
> values ('1110','99990000','1','Book','1'),
> ('1116','19191980','1','CD','1'),
> ('1116','77736222','1','Tape','2');
> Note the line_order field - it needs to increment per order for each line
> item added to the line_items table. To complicate matters a bit, I'm
> actually massaging the data before inserting [eg: splitting the name field
> from the CSV into two fields for the mysql db, formatting the date field
> for mysql, etc].
> I'm currently doing this process via a form where a user uploads the CVS
> file [created with Excel, complete with the first row being made up the
> Excel table's header].
> I currently do something like this:
> $fp = fopen("/tmp/"."$txt_file", "r");
> while ($line = fgets($fp,1024))
> {
> $i++
> if ($i > 1) { // skip excel header row
> list ($o_num, $date, $name, $addr, $item_num, $quan, $desc) =
> // i can now print the vars, but i get duplicate header records when
> // there are multiple line items for a particular order. also, i
> // need to generate the line_order field for insertion into the
> // line_items table
> }
> }
> If I try and do any processing up where my comments are, well, the
> comments tell you what happen. I know I am reading this file line by line,
> so I can't compare order numbers [o_num] to group multiple line item
> orders together. So how do I go about doing that? Read the entire CSV into
> an array? How can that help? Any tips would be most appreciated!
> Thanks!
> /vjl/
> p/s - FYI, cvs_explode() is:
> function csv_explode($str, $delim = ',', $qual = "\"")
> {
> $len = strlen($str);
> $inside = false;
> $word = '';
> for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
> if ($str[$i]==$delim && !$inside) {
> $out[] = $word;
> $word = '';
> } else if ($inside && $str[$i]==$qual && ($i<$len
&& $str[$i+1]==$qual)) {
> $word .= $qual;
> ++$i;
> } else if ($str[$i] == $qual) {
> $inside = !$inside;
> } else {
> $word .= $str[$i];
> }
> }
> $out[] = $word;
> return $out;
> }
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