Posted by Toby Inkster on 12/10/06 20:07
=========================== alt.html Statistics ============================
Total posts considered: 466 over 7 days
Earliest article: Sun Dec 3 20:45:17 2006
Latest article: Sun Dec 10 20:01:12 2006
Original articles: 52, replies: 414
Total size of posts: 1,045,205 bytes (1,020 kbytes) (1.00 Mbytes)
Average 66 articles per day, 0.14 Mbytes per day, 2,242 bytes per article
Total headers: 546 kbytes, bodies: 473 kbytes
Body: quoted 222 kbytes, original 223 kbytes = 50.12%, sigs 27 kbytes
Total number of posters: 118, average 8,857 bytes per poster
Total number of threads: 66, average 15,836 bytes per thread
Total number of User-Agents: 16
==================== Top Posters by Number of Messages =====================
Poster Msgs
1: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 50
2: Travis Newbury ................................................. 26
3: Andy Dingley ................................................... 22
4: Ed Seedhouse ................................................... 20
5: Bergamot ....................................................... 19
6: JJ ............................................................. 18
7: the red dot .................................................... 14
8: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 13
9: Bob ............................................................ 13
10: dorayme ........................................................ 13
11: Ed Mullen ...................................................... 9
12: cassia ......................................................... 8
13: Neredbojias .................................................... 8
14: Toby Inkster ................................................... 7
15: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 6
16: windandwaves ................................................... 6
17: cassiadenton@gmail.com.......................................... 6
18: Jim Moe ........................................................ 5
19: nice.guy.nige .................................................. 5
20: Dylan Parry .................................................... 5
======================= Top Posters by Size (kbytes) =======================
Poster Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: Jonathan N. Little ............. 65 23 16 4 110
2: Travis Newbury ................. 39 11 12 0 64
3: JJ ............................. 20 24 9 0 54
4: Andy Dingley ................... 29 4 9 0 44
5: Ed Seedhouse ................... 20 7 9 0 38
6: the red dot .................... 19 14 3 0 36
7: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........ 17 6 7 0 31
8: Bergamot ....................... 19 3 6 0 30
9: Toby Inkster ................... 5 0 22 1 29
10: cassia ......................... 12 13 2 0 28
11: dorayme ........................ 11 8 7 0 28
12: Bob ............................ 11 7 3 0 23
13: Ed Mullen ...................... 12 4 1 1 20
14: Neredbojias .................... 8 5 3 0 16
15: cwdjrxyz ....................... 7 3 5 0 15
16: Chaddy2222 ..................... 4 6 2 0 12
17: cassiadenton@gmail.com.......... 7 0 2 2 12
18: Jukka K. Korpela ............... 5 1 4 0 12
19: David Smithz ................... 5 1 4 0 12
20: BootNic ........................ 6 3 1 0 11
================== Top Posters by Original Text (kbytes) ===================
Poster Total
1: Toby Inkster ................................................... 22
2: Jonathan N. Little ............................................. 16
3: Travis Newbury ................................................. 12
4: Andy Dingley ................................................... 9
5: JJ ............................................................. 9
6: Ed Seedhouse ................................................... 9
7: dorayme ........................................................ 7
8: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ........................................ 7
9: Bergamot ....................................................... 6
10: cwdjrxyz ....................................................... 5
=================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Toby Inkster ................................... 0 24 92
2: David Smithz ................................... 1 6 69
3: Andy Dingley ................................... 4 14 66
4: Jukka K. Korpela ............................... 1 6 65
5: Bergamot ....................................... 3 10 64
6: cwdjrxyz ....................................... 3 8 63
7: Ed Seedhouse ................................... 7 17 54
8: Jim Moe ........................................ 1 3 51
9: Dylan Parry .................................... 0 2 51
10: Travis Newbury ................................. 11 24 51
==================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ====================
Poster Orig Body %age
1: Blinky the Shark ............................... 1 3 12
2: cassia ......................................... 13 16 14
3: the red dot .................................... 14 17 17
4: Ed Mullen ...................................... 4 7 25
5: Bob ............................................ 7 11 27
6: JJ ............................................. 24 33 28
7: Neredbojias .................................... 5 8 35
8: Jonathan N. Little ............................. 23 45 36
9: Harlan Messinger ............................... 3 4 36
10: nice.guy.nige .................................. 1 3 40
==================== Top Threads By Number of Messages =====================
Thread Msgs
1: How do you design a website?.................................... 77
2: freespeech webhost.............................................. 37
3: any charitable hmtl guru needed!!............................... 32
4: Starting a program from a website............................... 26
5: Looking for a Firefox extension................................. 24
6: feedback wanted................................................. 17
7: A very simple HTML question..................................... 15
8: html page from different server................................. 15
9: Create a link from an entry field............................... 14
10: .zip files and .rar files?...................................... 11
11: Should I Convert Site To XHTML or XHTML mobile?................. 10
12: Weird Mac theory for web links?................................. 10
13: aligning typeset graphics to text baselines..................... 8
14: Populating Web Pages from Spreadsheet........................... 8
15: Hyperlink for entire table cell rather then just the text - h... 7
16: What are the little icons on the tabs called? And how do I ma... 7
17: Scrolling div in firefox?....................................... 7
18: prevent <td> from stretchinggggggggggg despite setting fixed ... 7
19: Advice and/or tips for my site, please.......................... 6
20: Page is blank please help....................................... 6
======================= Top Threads By Size (kbytes) =======================
Thread Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: How do you design a website?.... 99 48 38 1 188
2: any charitable hmtl guru needed. 43 29 13 2 88
3: freespeech webhost.............. 40 29 16 1 88
4: Looking for a Firefox extension. 24 12 7 1 45
5: Starting a program from a websi. 28 8 7 1 45
6: A very simple HTML question..... 20 5 5 0 32
7: feedback wanted................. 20 4 6 1 32
8: html page from different server. 16 3 3 2 25
9: Create a link from an entry fie. 15 5 4 0 25
10: Populating Web Pages from Sprea. 9 4 8 0 22
11: ALT.HTML Statistics for 03/12/2. 0 0 21 0 21
12: .zip files and .rar files?...... 12 4 3 0 21
13: Weird Mac theory for web links?. 11 2 5 0 19
14: Should I Convert Site To XHTML . 12 2 3 0 19
15: Hyperlink for entire table cell. 7 4 6 1 18
16: aligning typeset graphics to te. 11 2 3 0 18
17: Scrolling div in firefox?....... 7 4 3 0 16
18: A question please............... 7 5 1 2 15
19: prevent <td> from stretchingggg. 7 2 4 0 14
20: checkbox vs text box............ 5 3 3 0 12
========================= Most Replied-To Messages =========================
Message-ID Replies
1: <Xns988FA7ADC886ikkehierbe@>...................... 32
2: <1165362531.632683.245960@80g2000cwy.googlegroups.com>.......... 15
3: <1165222793.573371.314410@73g2000cwn.googlegroups.com>.......... 11
4: <ekvnm4$nlk$1@news.datemas.de>.................................. 7
5: <4577349c$0$10125$e4fe514c@dreader30.news.xs4all.nl>............ 7
6: <1165268307.984012.314580@j44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>......... 7
7: <1165509168.768368.52120@j72g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>.......... 6
8: <Xns988FEC9C613ECikkehierbe@>..................... 5
9: <8b8en2t5e40pvrr21n39mnm6kdpmvk5fqt@4ax.com>.................... 5
10: <1165258691.847326.252540@f1g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>.......... 5
========================= Most Cross-Posted Groups =========================
Group Msgs
1: comp.lang.javascript............................................ 29
2: comp.os.linux.advocacy.......................................... 16
3: microsoft.public.scripting.jscript.............................. 8
4: alt.community................................................... 7
5: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html............................. 7
6: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets...................... 6
7: macromedia.dreamweaver.......................................... 3
8: alt.html.tags................................................... 3
9: comp.text.xml................................................... 2
10: alt.comp.freeware............................................... 2
=================== Top User-Agents by Number of Posters ===================
User-Agent Posters
1: G2.............................................................. 44
2: Outlook Express................................................. 25
3: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 12
4: Forte Agent..................................................... 6
5: Xnews........................................................... 5
6: MT-NewsWatcher.................................................. 5
7: Mozilla......................................................... 4
8: KNode........................................................... 4
9: Pan............................................................. 3
10: slrn............................................................ 3
================== Top User-Agents by Number of Messages ===================
User-Agent Msgs
1: G2.............................................................. 140
2: Mozilla......................................................... 83
3: Outlook Express................................................. 71
4: Forte Agent..................................................... 49
5: Mozilla Thunderbird............................................. 31
6: MT-NewsWatcher.................................................. 24
7: Pan............................................................. 17
8: Xnews........................................................... 17
9: 40tude Dialog................................................... 13
10: slrn............................................................ 9
======= Bandwidth-Wasting User-Agents by Average Header Size (bytes) =======
User-Agent Hdrs Msgs Avg
1: G2.............................................. 191253 140 1366
2: 40tude Dialog................................... 17711 13 1362
3: Mozilla......................................... 107206 83 1291
4: Outlook Express................................. 82574 71 1163
5: Forte Agent..................................... 54008 49 1102
6: slrn............................................ 9425 9 1047
7: Mozilla Thunderbird............................. 32173 31 1037
8: Xnews........................................... 16363 17 962
9: MT-NewsWatcher.................................. 23081 24 961
10: Pan............................................. 15593 17 917
===================== Top Servers by Number of Posters =====================
1: googlegroups.com................................................ 44
2: individual.net.................................................. 7
3: corp.supernews.com.............................................. 4
4: postmaster.news.prodigy.com..................................... 3
5: nntp.eclipse.net.uk............................................. 3
6: nntp.bt.com..................................................... 3
7: news.bellsouth.net.............................................. 2
8: reader1.news.saunalahti.fi...................................... 2
9: local01.nntp.dca.giganews.com................................... 2
10: news-post.tampabay.rr.com....................................... 2
======================= Top Servers by Size (kbytes) =======================
Server Hdrs Quot Orig Sig Total
1: googlegroups.com................ 186 57 69 3 317
2: NAXS.COM-a2kHrUvQQWlmc.......... 65 23 16 4 110
3: individual.net.................. 35 10 13 2 61
4: news-post.tampabay.rr.com....... 22 25 10 0 59
5: nntp.eclipse.net.uk............. 25 17 5 0 47
6: shaw.ca......................... 20 7 9 0 38
7: worldnet.att.net................ 17 6 7 0 31
8: news.optusnet.com.au............ 12 9 8 0 30
9: news-peer-lilac.gradwell.net.... 5 0 22 1 29
10: news.alt.net.................... 11 7 3 0 23
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Posters ====================
Zone Posters
1: -0800........................................................... 52
2: UTC............................................................. 36
3: -0500........................................................... 11
4: +0100........................................................... 7
5: -0600........................................................... 5
6: +0200........................................................... 3
7: -0700........................................................... 2
8: +1000........................................................... 1
9: +1100........................................................... 1
=================== Top Time Zones by Number of Messages ===================
Zone Msgs
1: -0800........................................................... 168
2: UTC............................................................. 147
3: -0500........................................................... 83
4: -0600........................................................... 26
5: +1100........................................................... 13
6: +0100........................................................... 12
7: -0700........................................................... 8
8: +0200........................................................... 8
9: +1000........................................................... 1
================= Days When We are Most in Need of a Life ==================
Day Msgs
1: Mon............................................................. 45
2: Tue............................................................. 53
3: Wed............................................................. 44
4: Thu............................................................. 49
5: Fri............................................................. 30
6: Sat............................................................. 42
7: Sun............................................................. 51
8: Non-RFC822 Header............................................... 152
Stats compiled by Toby Inkster.
Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
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