Posted by David Portas on 12/11/06 07:19
frien wrote:
> I want to create a stored procedure to find if the index exists if not
> i have to create the index....i use following stored procedure....but
> does'nt seem to be working.......but when i hard code the query it does
> work... can u plz tell me were i am going wrong
> CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sd_find_create_ind]
> @tblName varchar(255),
> @colName varchar(255),
> @indName varchar(255)
> AS
> declare @query varchar(1024)
> select @query = 'IF indexproperty(object_id('+@tblName+'),
> '+@indName+', ''IsClustered'') IS NULL
> CREATE INDEX '+@indName+' ON '+@tblName+'('+@colName+')'
> GO
> thanks a lot
EXEC ('CREATE INDEX ['+@indName+'] ON ['+@tblName+']
David Portas, SQL Server MVP
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