Posted by Chris F.A. Johnson on 12/12/06 23:37
On 2006-12-12, Neredbojias wrote:
> To further the education of mankind, dorayme
><doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> vouchsafed:
>> In article <Xns9895D3D5BD5F5httpwwwneredbojiasco@>,
>> Neredbojias <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html>
>> wrote:
>>> Uh, baby-boomers were propogated in the years shortly after World War
>>> 2. They're pretty much old fossils by now and probably get acid
>>> indigestion when confronted by computer-related subjects, anyway.
>> You speak for yourself you old codger...
> Hehehe, oh, I do, I do. Still tickles my funny bone to see a sexagenerian
> humped over a keyboard, though.
It's the youngsters who are usually "humped over a keyboard"; the
older folk were taught better posture.
Chris F.A. Johnson <http://cfaj.freeshell.org>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
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