Posted by sally jo on 12/13/06 01:57
cwdjrxyz wrote:
> sally jo wrote:
> > Here's the code I'm using:
> >
> > <script language="Javascript">
> > if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1)
> > {
> > document.write('<bgsound src="Norah Jones - Sunrise.mp3"
> > loop="1">');
> > } else {
> > document.write('<embed src="Norah Jones - Sunrise.mp3"
> > autostart=TRUE hidden=true loop="1">');
> > }
> > </script>
> >
> > and here's the site:
> >
> > http://cc.usu.edu/~cassia/index.html
> >
> > Am I supposed to add that code to all the pages on the site?
> That script comes from the very early browser war era and will fail on
> many modern browsers for several reasons that I will not bore you with.
> I suggest using an m3u play list. For an example, see
> http://www.cwdjr.net/mpg/NGdemo.html . This is your main page on which
> you want some sound. I include only sound on this page to make it
> simple. The code for this page with the url above is:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>NGDemo.html</title>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
> </head>
> <body>
> <p><a href="http://www.cwdjr.net/mpg/playlist1.m3u">Play Music</a></p>
> </body>
> </html>
> The important part is the paragraph with the link to the playlist,
> which you would use on every page for which you want sound.
> Since the above page calls a playlist, we need one. The address, which
> is the url for the playlist page, is:
> http://www.cwdjr.net/mpg/playlist1.m3u . The code for the playlist page
> with this url is just a list of urls of one or more songs you have
> stored somewhere on your site. They can be in a mixture of mp3, wav,
> and several other formats, depending on the players you have on your
> computer. The code I used on this playlist page is:
> http://www.cwdjr.net/mpg/MackieMesser.mp3
> http://www.cwdjr.net/largesou/cat3.wav
> Since several different players will play a m3u playlist, I don't know
> which player will come up for you. You can configure players to make
> one primary for m3u playlists, if you want to, or just take what you
> get. I use Winamp for m3u playlists. The demo I give above works for me
> on current versions of IE6, Opera, and the Mozilla
> family(Firefox,Netscape, Mozilla, Seamonkey).
Thank you so much , that was very helpful!
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