Posted by Erwin Moller on 12/13/06 13:57
Pythoni wrote:
>> For file transfers I'd recommend the file transfer protocol, more
>> commonly known as FTP.
> I also think about FTP, but must a user have FTP client installed on
> his computer or FTP protocol is already a part of webrowsers?
Some webbrowsers support (rudimentary) FTP, like IE, but I found out that
that latter one is really buggy and unreliable.
Like Jerry said, most OS's have FTP build in (via commandline).
If this is too complicated for you or your users, I would recommend
filezilla: It is released under GPL (=Free Software, as in both 'free beer'
and 'freedom' of usage).
It is good and comprehensible, get it here:
filezilla.sourceforge.net follow the downloadlink.
You will also see they same people offering you a FTP-server if you need it.
Good luck!
Erwin Moller
> Lad.
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