Posted by Rik on 12/13/06 15:30
bill wrote:
> Andy Hassall wrote:
> ..
>> It looks like you're using MySQL, so the question would be more
>> topical on comp.databases.mysql.
> I can find alt.comp.databases.mysql, but my news provider does
> not list comp.databases.mysql
> it that correct ?
It could be your provider doesn't have it. Both alt.comp.databases.mysql &
comp.databases.mysql exist. alt.comp.databases.mysql is rather quiet
though, not much going on there. You could ask you're provider to start to
carry comp.database.mysql. You could point out that it is better visited
and chances of it actually being usefull are way higher.
Other options:
- look for an accessable server which carries it (there are free news
servers all around)
- google groups (brrrr... only as a last resort. All the restriction of a
ng and all the benefits of an html forum are not a good mix.)
Rik Wasmus
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