Posted by bill on 12/14/06 10:54
Rik wrote:
> bill wrote:
>> Andy Hassall wrote:
>> ..
>>> It looks like you're using MySQL, so the question would be more
>>> topical on comp.databases.mysql.
>> I can find alt.comp.databases.mysql, but my news provider does
>> not list comp.databases.mysql
>> it that correct ?
> It could be your provider doesn't have it. Both alt.comp.databases.mysql &
> comp.databases.mysql exist. alt.comp.databases.mysql is rather quiet
> though, not much going on there. You could ask you're provider to start to
> carry comp.database.mysql. You could point out that it is better visited
> and chances of it actually being usefull are way higher.
> Other options:
> - look for an accessable server which carries it (there are free news
> servers all around)
> - google groups (brrrr... only as a last resort. All the restriction of a
> ng and all the benefits of an html forum are not a good mix.)
Thank you
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