Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/14/06 20:42
devranger wrote:
> Rik wrote:
>>Andy Hassall wrote:
>>>On 13 Dec 2006 10:44:06 -0800, "devranger" <knee-dragger@hotmail.com>
>>>>[snip] curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
>>> What's with the colons in the data? That doesn't look like the sort
>>>of data
>>>that you'd normally send in a POST.
>>Yup, AFAIK it stil should e ampersands.
>>Let cURL handle it though:
>>$topost = array(
>> 'key1' => 'value',
>> 'key2' => 'value2'
>> //etc...
>>curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $topost );
>>Rik Wasmus
> Rik -
> So you are suggesting I use an array but what do you mean by e
> ampersads? Does that mean the ":" should be and &?
> The reason I placed the colons is that they are just part of the field
> input name I thought was necessary for the post. For instance, one
> field on the form is called
> MasterTemplate:_PageTemplate:cphCenterContent:CenterContent:zipTextBox.
> Looks real weird to me as well but I do not know any other way to post
> to the field than to call it as specified in the input name of the form
> i.e. <input
> name="MasterTemplate:_PageTemplate:cphCenterContent:CenterContent:zipTextBox"
> type="text" maxlength="5"
> id="MasterTemplate__PageTemplate_cphCenterContent_CenterContent_zipTextBox"
> tabindex="1" class="dealertext" style="width:100px;" size="20" />
> Is this incorrect?
> Thank you.
It looks like your data is correct, but there could be all kinds of
other reasons. For instance, they might be checking the HTTP_REFERER to
ensure it comes from their own page. Or they could have started a
session on the first page and check for it on the second. Or any of
several other things.
And I agree with Andy. It looks like maybe you're trying to scrape
something from their page. They may not like it, but perhaps if you ask
nicely they'll give it to you.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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